Jan 2, 2022
Cookie Log No. 1
prep notes
- Made 1/2 sizes of https://www.marthastewart.com/344840/soft-and-chewy-chocolate-chip-cookies.
- Forgot to 1/2 the salt amount and used the full 1 tsp.
- Oiled pan with olive oil (lightly and spread with brush) instead of parchment paper.
- Took out of oven at 16 mins, still too soft, put back in for 3 more mins. Recipe calls for 8-10 mins total.
- Took out at total 19 mins (+time they were out at min 16 earlier).
baker notes
- Feel Too soft (poking with spatula).
- Olive oil could be cause of too soft.
- Browning/crisp on sides, but middle is soft.
- Color is too light, look under cooked.
- Color and hardness improved after sitting out for 3 minutes.
taster notes
- choco chips didn't melt all the way through (maybe need better quality ingredient?)
- chef note: try chocolate chunks instead
- cookies too white, why no brown?
- chef note: maybe sugar wasn't brown sugar? or maybe on wrong rack in oven for browning?
Photo Credit: @_amishap
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