Dec 17, 2022

Get The Right Timezone in Javascript

#programming #frontend #web #time

I've been hacking on an app that submits a web form and I wanted to collect timestamps with those submissions. Initially, I natively collect a Date() object in Javascript like this:

new Date().toLocaleTimeString();

But as anyone with any experience working with Time in Javascript will tell you: here lie dragons.

The main issue here is that new Date() and toLocaleTimeString() returns the date in the machine's local time (what you'd get by running date in your shell, for example).

My "app" is deployed in Vercel, and I'm collecting this timestamp in a Serverless function. These functions run in a machine/environment owned by Vercel, and timezones are set to UTC. This is a good choice by Vercel, but it means that when I run vercel dev locally and invoke those serverless functions, this code behaves differently.

In Vercel, the time is 8 hours ahead:

new Date().toLocaleString();
// 12/18/2022, 5:41:27 AM


new Date().toLocaleString();
// 12/17/2022, 9:41:27 PM

Because I'm storing this value as a string (in Google Spreadsheets), I need it to be consistent, and I only really want it in my timezone -- Pacific Time.

Previous Solution

In the past, I've used a number of techniques to get new Date(), and convert it to the right timezone by converting to milliseconds and adding or subtracting an offset. For example, in Vercel, I could:

// I know this is in UTC
const utc = new Date();
// subtract (8 hours in ms)
const pt = d.getTime() - 8 * 60 * 1000;
new Date(pt).toLocaleString();

This code is brittle for at least a few reasons:

  1. 8 hours is not consistent all year round
  2. new Date(pt) works, but it's not actually a Pacific Time date object, it's still a UTC date object from 8 hours ago. This can cause other issues downstream (e.g. when trying to get the timezone from this object, or when passing it into Intl.DateTimeFormat).

These issues can be accounted for in various ways, but it's brittle.

Better Solution

I'm happy to say I found a much more elegant solution today!

const formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", {
  dateStyle: "short",
  timeStyle: "medium",
  timeZone: "America/Los_Angeles",

formatter.format(new Date());
// '12/17/22, 11:58:47 PM'

This will always return a string that reflects the value in California Pacfiic Time. If I change my machine's timezone, or if Vercel lets me set a different timezone, it will still return PT time.

I'm pretty happy with this solution.

Other Notes

Another solution that could help me at the framework level is if vercel dev would set the timezone the same as my production environment when running locally, so that Serverless functions executed locally are more similar to production. I've opened a discussion here for that!

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