Jun 2, 2024

Package Footprint

#programming #monorepos #javascript #npm

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I've been working in a large JavaScript codebase, and wrote some monorepo tooling scripts to perform some esoteric tasks across across the repo. It got me thinking about the relative importance of code inside a large codebase. Modern JavaScript codebases use Workspace tooling (via package managers like pnpm) to define boundaries in the form of packages. But even with these boundaries, it's difficult to know how important a piece of code is. The following ideas can help make this determination.

Imagine a package in your monorepo with the name "@internal/foo".

How many packages depend on @internal/foo?

This is straightforward to implement by analyzing package.json dependencies and devDependencies. It's a good start, but incomplete, because it requires that dependencies are declared correctly. Packages that don't declare @internal/foo or packages that do, but then don't use it, would skew this measurement.

How many files import from @internal/foo?

This can be implemented by analyzing imports. This number captures two additional qualities about a package:

  • The weight of the relationship between two packages. For example, if a package declares @internal/foo a dependency, but only imports it once, that's useful information.
  • Packages that are imported without an explicit dependency. For example, if @internal/foo is installed in the root package.json, it can still be imported by other packages. Looking at actual imports would capture this relationship.

How large is @internal/foo?

If a package is used ubiquitously in the codebase, but it is only a few lines of code, you might not consider it to have a large footprint. Or if it has many lines of code, but only a few are imported, that could lower its footprint.

How often does @internal/foo change?

If it receives a lot of commits, but it isn't used very much, you may consider it to have a lower footprint. Conversely, if it's used everywhere but it doesn't change very often, it may also have a very low footprint.

How often does code from @internal/foo execute?

This requires some kind of tracing implementation, but it would be useful to know how your code is used at runtime. For example, if @internal/foo is imported a lot, but then gets dead code eliminated by the build step, it could be considered to have a low footprint. Or if it's used in frontend pages or backend service endpoints that don't receive any traffic, that may also be good to know.

These ideas are a work in progress. I have implemented some proofs of concept that you can try with:

npx -p turborepo-tools footprint --directory . --package @internal/foo

Replace @internal/foo with the name of an internal package in your {npm|pnpm|yarn}-managed JavaScript monorepo.

If you have any ideas, find me on Twitter!.

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