Same quantity: 1/2 of all the amounts. Didn't mess up the salt this time.
Melted butter before mixing into sugar (30s first then 60s, out of the fridge, not frozen)
Can't remember what I did last time, but seem to remember it was harder to mix the butter
and sugar, so maybe it wasn't as melted? Or maybe I'm remembering something else.
baker notes
preheated oven too early, started before getting ingredients out
Used ice scream scoop to put onto parchment paper (don't remember if I did that
last time and wasn't planning to do that this time, but Amisha asked me if I was
going to and I realized it's a great idea.)
Oven timings
10 mins in the oven
immediately another 5 (didn't open oven, only looking through window)
then open, and another 5 minutes (after < 1 min delay of being open to look)
Cookies looked properly brown, not too white
Thinner and bigger this time. Seems the dough spread apart more, maybe because it
wasn't as thick as last time? (Is it possible to measure this?)